Member-only story
We’re Joining the Wrong Tribes
Tribalism helped us survive; Now it’s in our way
Disclaimer: I’m an ordinary human. I am not a sociologist or psychologist. I don’t even have a college diploma. My only credentials reside in over a half-century of observation as an adult. If that’s not good enough, feel free to move on.
We all belong to tribes. Humans have assembled in tribes since the first walked erect. We did it for the common good, for safety, for food gathering and shelter building. There was strength in numbers, and there still is. Unfortunately, the united force is not used for most of the reasons just given. Today’s tribes tend to be around religions, gender, politics and other artificial constructs. We could do far more good by considering ourselves as local tribes people, looking after each other, being kind and belonging in ways that matter. Instead, we drive dangerously to get the kids to school on time, honking at anyone who doesn’t immediately take off from a stoplight at the fastest possible speed. We use phones behind the wheel knowing full well how incredibly dangerous this is to others right in front of us and on all sides. We operate in our international Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other streams, righting the wrongs of others we’ve never met when we could be making someone’s day with a simple act of thoughtfulness, like opening a door. Beyond…