Music Needs a Better Way
Can we break out of the current streaming jail?
(Note: work in progress, will evolve, be re-written)
What if there was a platform that allowed you to stream or buy exclusive new independent music available nowhere else? At the discretion of the artist, that music could become available on the usual platforms everywhere, after some period chosen by the original creator.
And what if you subscribed to unlimited streaming of the whole exclusive catalogue for a month or a year with the option to purchase and own high quality files forever? Sales would be handled by the rights owner with no commission to the platform. The streaming part is there for discovery and potential interaction between artists and listeners.
There are definitely enough artists producing new music, and why not poetry, theatre, audio books as well? Anything that can be in an audio file can be found on the platform. For example, an artist might put rare live recordings on an exclusive site for streaming or sale. It’s the rights holders choice.
It would be up to the artist to decide what content might be exclusive and what is available elsewhere. For example, I have over 200 tracks, 70 currently are on all platforms. I could put other new or old tracks on this imaginary platform, concentrating on things you can’t find anywhere else. I have done live recordings, some unmixed studio stuff. We could also put new creations up exclusively before releasing them later. Get comments from members and listeners. Maybe even collaborate with others by asking for help through added audio, like a solo, lyrics, etc.
“Exclusive” means different tracks that aren’t available anywhere else. They could be alternate versions, unplugged, for example. The artists and producers are in control. They put up audio files (music, spoken word, drama, tracks) at will. The spirit is that these are available nowhere else right now. Sometime later, the same files can be on whatever the creator chooses. Theoretically, they could be removed from the “exclusive” catalogue and maybe pulled, maybe put into a non-exclusive section. That part needs more thought, but the important part is that the co-op member is in charge of their files or those they submit with permission from a rights owner.
Members, supporters, listeners. You could be one, two or all three.
Members provide audio and work for the common good of other members. An example of the work would be organizing playlists, classifying the material in the usual ways, genre, tempo, vibe…
Supporters don’t create audio, but believe in the platform and want to help in any way they can. They are basically members who do constructive things for the platform, but don’t provide files. They might also help to promote the platform.
Listeners listen and pay a reasonable price for the service. The cost could be some suggested low price.
Unfortunately I have no idea what the infrastructure to do this would cost on an ongoing monthly basis. Would $1,000 a month do it? How many tracks would be in such a catalogue? Not millions, not even thousands. Someone with more technical experience and knowledge would have figure that out. Obviously, if such a service costs $15.99 a month, there’s no point. I’m thinking along the lines of $2 or more at the discretion of the listener. One of the main questions here is how many people want to support independent creation.
Sales? entirely handled by the creator of the material who would choose how it works. Listeners click “Purchase” and that is transmitted to the owner, who does the fulfilment manually or by whatever process they care to. No commission is charged. We help each other, right?
This gives people an opportunity to help creators and enjoy new stuff before it’s out in the open, and maybe even participate in the creation process.
More thoughts to come.