2 min readAug 28, 2019
Diets: there seems to be an infinite number of these and most of them work briefly, or they work to the goal and then you regain. The real way to lose weight is by changing your lifestyle. Not by changing your lifestyle to mine or your sister-in-law’s, changing it by adapting to your own metabolism. I wrote a book several years ago with over 100 short points to ponder about eating and exercise. I will distill this down to a few points here.
- You need to find ways to make sure your activity level is in accordance with the amount and type of food you eat. In general, you need to move more by simply adding steps, get off the tram one station before and walk, consider every stairway an exercise machine. Get up and walk around when talking on the phone.
- Find the foods that satisfy you and assemble of cook them yourself, if possible. When you do this, experiment with spices, you’ll find that it’s possible to tailor the food you eat to be satisfying and nutritious without overeating. We have different metabolisms. How do kids manage to eat fake potato chips and drink soda all day, yet stay slim? Metabolism.
- Learn to limit your known “poisons” like pizza, ice cream, fries to rare moments. You’re not 16. You’ll enjoy them more and they’ll hurt you less.
- Be aware that the food industry plays with the parameters of its products which in turn, never look like they’re bad for you. Calories, fat, sugar combine in ways that make sure you will suffer unless you’re in control. Reduced or non-fat products usually make up for lost flavor by added sugar. Additives of all kinds play havoc with your digestion.
- I could go on, but really what I wanted top say was that the answer is not one diet, but changing the entire way you approach food and exercise.