Congrats for building t2, a name which many preferred over the Pebble name, Gabor. I find your post mortem to be fully lucid. I personally have been on social networks since before Twitter and remain on Twitter now, to some extent. I've written an article, "There Will NEVER Be another Twitter", which opines that Twitter wasn't just a text microblog, but a long moment placed in a time that cannot be recreated. Twitter itself is no longer Twitter, not just in name; X is now a "Bizarro World Twitter".
I tried for the first weeks on t2 to post a wide variety of content, from my music, to things I found of interest that I did not see elsewhere. I had many convivial conversations with folks, too. I and, I think, a significant number of other t2 regulars decided to stop investing our time the day AI came into the picture. I won't harp on that, because you recognize it in your post.
The team are all talented and young, and I have no doubt you'll all go on to do great things. Even if you do not, you can still live great lives.